Why Does My Putter Wobble? (Explained)

So after a long winter, I finally got onto the links last week and low and behold, I noticed my golf putter had a wicked wobble to it. 

A putter typically wobbles due to poor body posture and inconsistent stroke speed.

This article will help examine why your putter wobbles, how to stabilize a stroke, and the best grip for bad putters. 

How do you stop a putter from wobbling?

A wobbling putter typically results from poor posture and fluctuating stroke speeds. Poor posture involves observing the putter rather than keeping your eyes on the ball. This shift tampers your motions, causing the putter to wobble, especially during a backswing.

Fluctuating stroke speeds means you do not control distance and acceleration properly. It results in unstable grip pressure and stroke to give you that dreaded wobble.

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How do you keep a putter steady?

They say to get a horse if you want a stable friendship. What does a horse have to do with golf? Nothing, although stability has everything to do with it. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of keeping your putter steady when playing.

Steadiness is fundamental to the game, as it is with all things in life, ranging from physical to emotional.

You can keep your putter steady by finding your length and maintaining proper posture. Finding your putter length involves keeping your eyes barely inside your target line. Hence, you always want to be attentive to your head position in relation to the golf ball. This excellent position lets you set up your putter shaft at a comfortable lie and length.

A shorter putter typically moves your eyes more over the ball. You can set up with your eyes directly above the ball or slightly inside when you have a longer putter.

The proper position requires you to maintain a steady head and lower body through contact with the ball. I have my fair share of seeing amateurs attempting to steer the ball with their eyes.

They try to push the ball into the hole using their body, creating incorrect posture. The change in body position causes the putter face to close or open and you will have an error at impact. It goes without saying that the moment of impact with a putter changes everything.

As a result, you lose your sense of distance and control. These two techniques allow you to pass the putter head from right to left with your body in the correct posture. They help you keep a putter steady for consistent putts.

Putting Stroke Speed

Stroke speed is another putting aspect that incorporates steadiness for best results. Studies used a metronome to gauge stroke speed, finding that most excellent putters swing the club at speed between 72 and 80 beats each minute.

I advise to hit all your putts using the same tempo, creating stability via the consistent speeds of your strokes.

This technique also means that you only adjust the length of your putting stroke to regulate distance. Many beginners, myself included during my earlier years, make the common mistake of changing the pace from putt to putt.

Others can probably relate when I say I did that because I feared making more putts.

Consequently, I came up short, with about 4 of my first 18 putts reaching the hole. I must admit, it took some effort and time to get a feel for the recommended stroke speed. My instinct initially wanted to adjust it as I moved to different putters.

However, practice makes perfect, and I perfected the switch to adjusting only my putting stroke length. You can adopt this change to your game to maintain the ideal putting stroke speed for consistent performance.

Besides, the wonders of technology let you practice and get a feel for this pace via a metronome app.

You can install it on your phone and modify your play by listening to the steady beat. If you have an old-school streak like me, you can also monitor your pace by counting to yourself.

Count one, two, three, four, taking your putter back on three before swinging it through on four. The short duration means you achieve the pro rhythm and speed to control distance.

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How do I stabilize my putting stroke?

You can stabilize your putting stroke by observing two primary aspects: stroke pace and forearm placements. Getting these two points right improves your game, leading you to hole more putts consistently.

Stroke Pace

I previously discussed the recommended stroke speed for best results on the green. Following those monitoring techniques I mentioned ensures you can find and maintain this rhythm for consistency. It is also easy to think adding pace at the ball is better. Unlike what you might think, accelerating at the ball can cause a yippy hit.

You want your swing to mirror a swinging pendulum, which maintains its length during the backswing and follow-through.

Forearm Placements

You want the forearms square, placing them parallel and in line with your target line. I find the easiest way to achieve this posture is by bending your elbows. 

After that, place them lightly on each side of the ribs. If this pose is correct, the axis will appear as an extension of your right forearm when viewed from behind.

The shaft should also point toward your right elbow. Once your forearm is in a straight line, the putter moves down the straight line during impact.

Best putting grip for bad putters

There is no shame in knowing and accepting that you may be a terrible putter.

After all, Thomas a Kempis once said that acknowledging our weakness is the first step in repairing our loss.

Fortunately, you can find some guidelines to help you find the most suitable grip to counter your poor putting.

First, holding the putter with both thumbs sitting on the grip and pointing towards the ground is vital. This position ensures your hands work together smoothly, and the putter face remains square right through your stroke.

Second, you want your left arm staying more upright at address, nearly creating a straight line with your putter. This grip maintains your putter on a plane to boost your chances of delivering smooth strokes.

Lastly, you can perform better by holding your putter with suitable pressure. It is better to grip it as light as possible while maintaining the putter head control.

The lighter grip pressure also lets you feel the putter’s head weight in your hand without excessive effort.

In Conclusion

You can cure a wobbly putter with a lot of practice and confidence.

I recommend checking out this training that I used to help me straighten out my putter woes as well as striking with my woods and irons as well.

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